Is Singing Part of YOUR World?


In 2009 during the 63rd Sweet Adelines International Convention held at the Sommet Center, 6,651 singers from around the world set the new Guinness World Record for the Largest Singing Lesson.

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, Antelope Valley Showcase Chorus and Sweet Adelines choruses and quartets around the globe will be taking part to share the joy of singing for National Barbershop Music Appreciation Day!

We know that you've always loved to sing, maybe it's just in the shower or maybe it was/is in school. You could be a mom that would like an activity that you can enjoy with your daughter. Wherever you fall on the scale we are inviting YOU!

Starting June 4th, 2024, YOU are invited to participate in our Summer Guest Chorus. On July 13th, you are invited to perform WITH the chorus at two community venues. We will sing the songs you will have learned - including "This is My Country" and "Cohen Medley."

So, JOIN US for an opportunity to find or perfect YOUR VOICE - have FUN and rediscover the JOY OF SINGING! The first night will begin at 6:30 to take care of registration. The remaining weeks it will be 7-8:30. For additional questions email [email protected] or Click Here to sign up.

In the meantime, enjoy the video that created such a ring!